XPS Football App Features Home XPS Football App Features XPS Football Grass Roots App Powering teams of all ages and standards Filled with FFA Curriculum based content ready to use Special Offers for all FFA Affiliated Fed's, Clubs, & Teams “FFA has partnered with XPS Network. We look forward to the relationship and our coaches and players using the software.” Complete Season Programs Covering pre-season and season proper Programs for teams from Under 6s to Opens All Programs are progressive & complimentary All Programs are designed by coaches with a minimum of AFC A-License All Programs based on FFA Curriculum FFA Curriculum based content Session Plans Every training session plan is pre-packaged Includes warm up, drills and activities, game scenarios, warm downs, etc Sessions are progressive, or you can use them in any order you like Set Pieces From the basic “throw in” to elaborate “free kicks” Coaches can select and use the Set Piece they want for any session or even half time Players can study the Set Pieces as often as they like Extra Skills Individual player skill drills that can be practiced any time Breaks down the skill for players to acquire and improve their own skill set Great way to set targets for skill development Suits all Coach abilities Inexperienced Coaches Mums, dads, and junior coaches can follow a "step by step" program Players enjoy well organised sessions that mix fun with learning Key Coaching points for all content make it easy to coach Content to help these coaches improve their coaching skills Experienced Coaches Save time on session planning Prep players with training session info so no time is wasted Review your set pieces with players before and during the games Mix and match the content to your personal wishes Over 4,000 drills and activities Our catalogue means we have all ages and skill levels covered All Programs contain varieties of sessions and drills to keep players interest up Clearly defined Objectives & Key Coaching Points with all content Short Video with Audio for every drill, set piece, & extra skill Includes appropriate fitness exercises New content is being created and added all the time